Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Three Blondes in California

California was incredible. For Ari's birthday her parents let us go to their house in Huntington Beach for a few days and enjoy the beach. We had the best time together. From the airplane to the beach to getting manicures to the mall-we loved every second of it. Ari and I had so much fun in the water together getting owned by the waves. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. We all got so tan and it was so nice to lay in the sand with the warmth of the sun on us. The weather was beautiful and the area was so chill and laid back and I decided that I have to live in California and be a California girl.



As you can see, these pictures were taken when SPLAV was still a bunch of best friend giggly girls. Unfortunately due to crazy happenings SPLAV is dead and I think it will take a miracle for us to come alive again.

Stacey was the glue that held us all together and funny because she is the one who in my opinion triggered our falling apart. She lives for drama and loves to create drama. However, she is hilarious. She constantly would say funny things and doing funny things-for attention or not this girl has got attitude, spunk, and jokes and she knows how to have a good time in any circumstance. She is determined and she will get what she wants and doesn't let anything get in her way of that. She has overcome many difficult trials in her life which always continues to amaze me. She is a strong girl and I know she has a close relationship with the Lord to help her get through the challenging things that she has been through and continues to endure.

Phoebe is the most loyal friend I have. She keeps me sane and I love her to death. She is very supportive and has a good heart with good desires. She always picks me up when I am down and she is always looking out for me, our best friends, and other people. She is a peacemaker and tries to cool down the contention and make everything okay. She is a go getta and a leader and is diligent and a hard worker with a lot of determination. She is anal and has a little ocd and Keith Read in her, yet as she is my roommate-it has been a good thing for me this year. She has been my rock and someone that I can lean on and trust these past few years. I look up to her example where she is always trying to do what she feels is the right thing. She is dedicated to reading her scriptures and trying hard to understand gospel concepts which pushes me to try harder as well. She is unselfish and thinks about others and is very good at including others. She is a caring, thoughtful, and considerate person and I'm grateful for our friendship.

Lauren is a very outgoing person. She loves to serve and has a big heart. She is a sarcastic person and has a great sense of humor. She is very confident and loud. She has a lot of energy and can go go go. She is a very understanding person and she can forgive easily. She is very loyal and she is someone I could talk to about anything and I know I will get good advice and encouragement. She lovess her boys. We see eye to eye on many things and she is someone that was fun to hang out with and has a pleasing and glowing personality.

Victoria has always been my sista from another mista. We talk about anything and we always understand each other. We know how to laugh and I love when we go on tangents and laugh about anything and everything. We always kept the jokes going and extend them way to far where they aren't funny to other people, only us. I swear we speak another language because most of the time we are the only ones who understand what we say and do. We don't always see eye to eye but we are usually supportive of each other and try to help each other the best that we can. I tell her anything and know that she keeps it to herself. She has a very strong testimony of the church and the church standards. She has been a good example over the years. She and I have the best memories evaaa.

Park City

Nate's house in Park City is a nice get away. Whether it be a spontaneous night where we decide make a visit and play gestures all night or a visit to watch the BYU football games we always have a blast. The hot tub is nice too, but I like going up with tons of people or just a small group of my best friends.

The Scarsdale 5

We went up to a Cafe Rio picnic to celebrate Peter Jensen's birthday with "the Scarsdale 5"-Peter, Mika, Lauren, Jack, and me. Phoebe made a joke of it and called us the "elite". It's crazy to think we have known each other since we were babies and grew up togher and are now all freshman at BYU. All the mom's were there and it was a nice mini reunion. Everyone invited roomates and friends and it was a fun celebration. I am so grateful for my friendship throughout the years with " the Scarsdale 5" especially with Lauren and Mika.

"So Fresh"

Top school. Best roommate. Killer view. Elite dorm. Sweet decorations. This is going to be a good year...