Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Philistine Field Trip!

I can't really fix the order of the pictures...but this is my field trip in a nutshell.

-where Goliath was from!
-the Philistines settled during King David's time
-We saw the remains of Philistine homes that our teacher Dr. Chadwick has been/ is excavating.

-built as a defense for Judah against Egypt
-dovecote--> hundreds of places in the stone where doves lived--> the doves were used for food and sacrifices

Olive Press-
Get= press Shem= oil-->Gethsemane
Jesus prayed in an olive press (near the Garden of Gethsemane)
Red oil= Jesus bleeding from every pore
Jesus was crushed and took upon the sins of the world

Sidonian Tombs
-constructed by the Edomites

-key Canaanite town and palace/fortification when the Assyrians planned to attack Jerusalem (capital of Israel in 701 B.C)
-It was the last city to defend Jerusalem from the Babylonians. From the top of Lachish the people saw the fire from the other town in front of them go out one day and they knew that meant that the Babylonians took over that town which was sad because the people had family and friends over there and the Babylonians did horrible things to them. The people realized that if they fall then the Babylonians will do the same thing to them and Jerusalem that they did to that town. Lachich ended up being taken over by the Babylonians and Jerusalem did too. So much human drama.

-David and Goliath story
-David was told by his father to go give food to his brothers who were preparingn to battle the Philistines. He want down through the Elah valley from Bethlehem near Azekah and fought Goliath with his slingshot.

-final place the Philistines took the Ark after capturing it and retuning it to the Israelites
-Dr. Chadwick taught us a song to the tune of "My Boyfriends Back"..."Shephelah, shephelah, Goliath's back" clever and stuck in our heads all day.

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