Sandra Bullock is one of my new favorite actresses. In her movies lately-the Blindside and The Proposal she is so posie, bold, and bossy. She's gorgeous and I like her tude that she has. I forgot how hilarious this movie was.
Awkwardddd encounter with the Police the other night. Michael and I were at Rock Canyon Park and I was talking to him and see on the back that there was this shadow of a guy coming to our window. I was like omgomg and then someone came up to my window with a flashlight. Michael freaked. We both freaked...and it was the police. Stupid po pos.
My wisdom teeth are OUT! I got them out on Thursday and then rested up in midway till Saturday. Luckily mom was out here already to take care of me which was sweet. She was having girls weekend with Louise, Sarah, Mary Ann, and Becca all week. The whole procedure thing went really well. It wasn’t as bad as I thought at all. I’m pretty sure my other teeth surgery hurt way worse than this. I wish they knocked me out for that I don’t know why they couldn’t just do that and do it in one sitting. I was sitting down on the seat and I got an IV put in me with all these wires attatching to my body and a breathing thing attatched to my nose. The dentist was injecting me with something but I thought it was just fluid then I was completely knocked out. I woke up and I remember I was being helped to another room and then I fell asleep and I guess I woke up again and I was laughing histarically for 20 minutes. I remember my mom had like 5 eyes and I thought it was hilarious. I was like guys I’m fine I can walk and then I would almost fall every time so they helped me to the car. My cheeks did swell but not as bad as I thought. As long as I am on pain killers and medicine I am completely fine. I just iced my face a ton so the swelling has almost gone down the whole way...but it's still gross.
Scott Gardner, one of our friends here, invited us to go to a gala with him up in Salt Lake at the Marriot. It was for the Boys and Girls club and his brother in law needed us to fill up spots at his table. It was pretty fun though. There was a silent auction and a live auction and we didn't bid haha. The dinner was delicious-stake and salmon-with a sweet dessert. Scottie is hilarious.
The other weekend I spent in Midway with Anndrea and Gardner. The Lee's, Amy, Tate, and Gary and Ann came up too. We went boarding and just hung out all weekend which was aweseomeeee. We went out to eat at the Mexican place and Pizza place in midway. We went boarding Saturday and Monday. We went to see Dear John. It was alright but Channing Tatum was so hott as always. We went to the Zermatt ice sculptures. The boys built a sick jump in our back yard and we were going off of it on our skis and snowboards. I got major air and then I fell really hard so I stopped. We went snowshooing-Andrew (tyson's friend) came with me. haa. We watched the olympics like crazy. We ate and had tonzzz of fuhnn.
Last weekend when Anndrea and Gardner were here I went to Sundance friday with friends then Park City on Saturday and Monday with the Lee's. It was the sickest weekend!! I worked on my mogul skills and it was pretty legit. I had some major falls where I hit my head reallly hard but I was just trying to get better. I thought I had a concussion (which I still think I did), but it was an awesome time. Funniest part was when G got stuck in the trees and Nate had to go get him after we waited like 30 minutes for him.
The other day I got an email from Deepanraj. He is the sweetest boy ever. I am so grateful my family can sponsor him and I'm grateful for the fun relationship we have because he such a fun young boy!
Hi Abby!
Deepanraj was thrilled to hear from you! It was so fun to watch his face light up as we read your email and he reiminisced about Go Fish & your family. He dictated the following message to you this afternoon. He did not know the word "skiing" so we googled images of it (or as he pronounced it, "ask googlie")! I wish I had a camera on him at that moment when he saw those skiing pictures... his eyes got huge and he said, "That's crazy!" but in an excited way...
Thank you for all you do to help keep Deepan's huge smile plastered across his face!
Kindest regards,
Kristin Goodell
Sponsorship Director
Rising Star Outreach of India
Hi Abby!
Thank for sending your letter email. I like your letter. How you skiing the snow? My chickens are left to village. I find him, but he did not come back. Dizzyworld same to went to in the holidays. How is your father and mother? Now how old are you? Can you send your skiing picture? Then how is your friend Cammal? You tell to I tell hello to your friend Cammal and your family also. I written exam very well. I am passed in my exam. My favorite subject is English. English teacher is she take class very well. Her name Mary Mam. My friends are very happy. Yesterday is my exam is finished so the're my friends are very very happy. The new rules of hostel is he give the card to all to everyday we make mistake do not put the star. We do good or bad in the night time, the house mother put star. I had one new house father. His name is Govindaraj. He is my father's friend. He and my father study both together up to 10th to college. We get the one week star in the card, we get gift in the store. I buy the playing car. I like car very much.
I get really bored on Sundays. I usually have a lot of homework to do but I always distract myself in some way or another. Sundays should be my most relaxing days, but sometimes they are my busiest. I always think I am going to be so productive...but I'm not. I love when my family video chats it's always so entertaining and hilarious.
This was during Christmas break, but pictures were just uploaded! I rode mom's horse Outback while she was on Jim's horse Killer. Sad. It was a beautiful day and fun to go with the girls.
Boarding has been SoOoOoO a-w-e-s-o-m-e this year! For a while every friday I go up to Sundance with a group of friends. Tanner and Phoebe always come, Garret and Spencer are usually there, and Nick comes. We have a blast every time we go up. I think it's so amazing how we're in college, going to school, and we drive 15 minutes and we can go boarding all day!! How sick is that. We live a sweet live over here in p-town. Friday's are a great start to the weekend.
One of the funnier stories of this year's snowboarding experiences would be when we thought Spencer was injured. We made Tanner hike the mountain, ski patrol was called, tears were shed, and in the was a TREE STUMP! We're really not that dumb. Tanner thought he broke his neck because his snowboard was "sticking straight up and his face was flat in the snow..." okayyyy no, but at least Spencer knows he has great friends. hah.
I went up to Brighton with Michael one Saturday and it was crazy! It was literally snowing all day. The mountain was huge and there was so much powder! I fell so many times which should I should probably be really embarrassed about but there was so much snow that it never hurt and if anything I would get stuck in the powder. Michael went off all these jumps it was pretty funny. His brother's friend went off this huge rock of a jump and he like dislocated his shoulder or something-yeah, it was pretty intense. But, it was an awesome day for boarding!
After the BYU vs. Utah Basketball game (which was CRAZY! We won...#10 yeah...) anyways, after the game we went to In n Out then Ricardo's birthday party at the Yozone. Or as Tyler says it's only called Yozone. We then made our way over to Michael Watterson's birthday party over at Arlington at his brothers apartment. Lots of people came but I didn't know like 1/4 of them. It was nice to catch up with Jannae and I saw the kid I am in love with in my book of mormon class. My life was complete. It was obviouslyy fun seeing Michael and it seemed like he was having a good time. I ended up leaving early because Tyler and Mike were mad at me-hence why we are in this stupid fight right now.
This is when Tyler and I were friends...he put it well, things change fast.